As the weekend declines...
Sox win, Yanks win: still tied for first in the AL East. Yanks are on the road for the next six; Sox are home for the next six, including the final series of the year...with the Yanks. This is as good and as nauseating as it gets. Pats win with one tick left on the first Sunday of the season that I could devote to nothing more than couch, tube and newspapers. After enduring nine innings and four quarters, I'm far from rested, but it's good. A good weekend, in retrospect.
As mentioned here, I'm an egg hater. There was a rather unpleasant incident when I was a lad, resulting in life-long psychosematic nausea at the mere sight or sniff of eggs. You don't want to know.
Solidarity, my bretheren in food-related trauma.
Got a lot done yesterday in the cleaning department, but it came after a much later start than I would've liked, but I desperately needed to sleep it out Saturday morning, but that caused a much later start than I would've liked, but we got a lot done in the cleaning department. Life circles upon itself, and I can be one neurotic fuck in the process.
I'll no doubt ruminate for several hours while the alarm waits my fall...
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