Piss off...

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Thanksgiving Snow

Thanksgiving Snow
Thanksgiving Snow,
originally uploaded by Westbye.
There has been a good bit of snow since our white Thanksgiving, and it's sticking. I can't even begin to phrase how beautiful it all is: snow, the holidays in a house, Bing Crosby, Miracle on 34th Street on DVD (the ORIGINAL, thank you), Charlie Brown on CD and DVD...it's going to be a wonderfully special season this year.

Just saw a commercial for Kay Jewlers. A couple are stuck in an airport on a flight delay. The perky blond says something or other about missing Christmas. The guy whips out a jewlery box and says "Let's start Christmas now." Um sorry, but isn't that a good way to get your asses jacked? Or at least to earn the bitter resentment of the other hundred cows that will soon be herded into steerage on your flight? Brilliant.

Ah, it's Ed McMahon and the Budweiser Clydsdales for the first time this season! Now I'm verklempt. It's not quite enough to make me forget the 26-3 K.C. holds over the Patsies, but it's something...


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