Piss off...

Friday, November 25, 2005

Those who can't teach

Okay, let me get this straight. This incompetent ding-dong is starting a consulting business on how to prepare for disasters? And the gist of the service is "don't prepare for disaster like I did"? Un. Believable. Unfuckingbelievable. What's the first class? "Don't be head of a Federal Emergency Management Agency if you have absolutely no qualifications to be head of a Federal Emergency Management Agency"? Class two: "Don't have your minions fire off snippy e-mails about needing time for dinner while the populace DIES in the Emergency that you are in charge of managing as head of a Federal Emergency Management Agency"? Class three: "'I'm trapped now, please rescue me' and 'Can I quit now? Can I go home?'" Class four: "If you think it might make a teensy bit of difference to put 'to the' in between 'Assistant' and 'Town Manager' on your resume titles, it probably will"? I have nothing else to say with my jaw still on the floor.

This is a horrifying look at disconnect and delusion.


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