Piss off...

Sunday, August 27, 2006


Yeah, so I need to be, like, working right now? I'm rewriting all website copy for a multi-millionaire Austrailian web marketer client, and the completed work is due at the end of August. That would be Thursday, by the way. Am I making good progress? Well, my business partner and I are still trying to come up with a viable angle on the thing. So far I've managed to condense the piss out of some sales material that my client has already been using. Now comes the site itself.

Good thing I've already gotten a sizable deposit for this.

On the other hand, I've already gotten a sizable deposit for this, which means it might be rather corking to complete the project. I'd kind of like to get the remainder of my sizable fee, also.

This is what I wanted...this is what I wanted...this is what I wanted...

Sunday, August 20, 2006

For richer, for poorer

Our visitors from Seattle returned home yesterday, after a fabulous week of cruising Boston and Maine, going through tanks of gas and eating Lobstah. Three weeks ago we were living large in Chicago. Now comes the crash back to reality. Fine, we'll deal. Cat food is cheap and plentiful.

On the other hand, I fear I might have strep. Meds or cat food? Or gas? Hmmm...

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Back in the 207

Twelve hours ago we were heading for a muffin at the Dunkin' on St. Claire St. and Ontario Ave in the shadow of the Trib building, Chicago. Now I'm getting ready for bed, fatigued beyond belief and more more than a bit homesick. What a ride.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

That toddlin' town might be a miserable time

Twenuhtwenuhtwenuhfo hours to goahho

This time tomorrow I will be wilting in Chicago and hopefully not getting hit with the forcasted scattered "strong" storms. (Those storm are actually scheduled for our landing time. Great!) The forecast for Thursday, the day I finally make it to Wrigley, is descending into a 60% chance of storms all day. Perfect.

I'd kind of rather it not be like this.